I was sitting in my La Z Boy after school and noticed these two birds sitting in a tree across the street so I went out on the porch and took a picture.
Since I have detention duty at school this week, he's taking care of suppers.
When I got home, he was cooking away so I took my camera out and tried to get a picture for posterity. Unfortunately, he saw me coming and sent me a little message.
I had a dentist appointment today and noticed these leftover hydrangeas next to the front door. Luckily, I had my camera with me so took the time on my way out to take a picture of them.
The American Cancer Society sells these every year about this time. They're always closed up tight when they're delivered to my school room, but once I get home and put them in water, they open right up.
We had some warm weather last week so I went out into the back yard to see if the lilacs were budding yet. Nope! All I could see were these dried out old remnants from last season.
I was sitting on the couch feeling lazy and could see these little icicles hanging on a tree outside one of our living room windows so I snapped a picture of it through the glass.
For about 8 years, now, we've been saving our change. On Saturday, we decided to roll all the coins except for the pennies. Tomorrow my husband is taking them to Walmart where they have a machine. He tried the bank today but they said they don't take pennies any more.
I saw a couple huge birds flying around the school so I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture forgetting that it was set to manual. I thought it came out kind of cool, though!
I took this from Cascade Flats around 6 pm this evening when we were going into Mary's Pizza Parlor. The sun was setting and shining on the west side of the mountain.
My husband uses this old boot jack to take his boots off during the winter. He thinks it's about 50-100 years old. (So, basically, he doesn't know but we do know it's old!) It came from a farm in Vt.
Kylie is visiting this weekend and we played all afternoon. Finally, Grammy needed a break so she let Kylie use the computer. She loves playing PBS Kids.
I'm feeling really lazy tonight and didn't want to get up to take pictures so I just went to my good old stand-by and took a picture of the lilacs I'm forcing.
I change the water every day to keep it fresh and they are doing really well. I don't know if they'll acutally blossom but it's been fun trying.
My daughter made this for me for my birthday. I wore it to school and got lots of compliments. I took the picture by holding my camera out in front of me and hoping for the best.
It's a combination camera bag and purse. The inside is lavender so it's easy to see things and there are lots of padded velcro dividers to keep my camera snug and safe. Plus, there's lots of room for all my other purse stuff.
I've been wanting something like this so I can take my camera with me all the time. So often I see something that would make a cool picture but don't have my camera along. Now, I will!
I took a ride up by the old ski jump today. It's so sad that it's all grown in. I remember going to the ski jumping events when I was a kid. We'd take our hibachi along and my dad would charcoal hotdogs on the back of the station wagon.
I glanced out the bedroom window when I got up and saw this amazing sky so ran downstairs, grabbed my camera, ran back up, opened the window, and snapped away.
It got to 49 degrees this afternoon so I sat on the porch reading for awhile and noticed the jewels hanging from the spruce tree. I ran in the house, grabbed my camera, and took this picture.
The lilacs I cut from the tree in our back yard did fine for a while then started to die.
When I was walking one night, I saw a lilac bush near an abandoned house so cut a few young branches and brought them home. It's been just over a week and look at them! There's even baby flowers tucked away inside. See the top one on the left?
Right in the middle of town is this peaceful scene. If you use your imagination, that red garage could be a barn. And just ignore the name of the river: Dead River!